Moran Beladev

Patient contextualized embedding using transformers

Moran Beladev

Moran Beladev

Patient contextualized embedding using transformers

Moran Beladev


Moran is a Data Science Team Leader at Diagnostic Robotics, building ML solutions for the medical domain and NLP algorithms to extract clinical entities from medical visit summaries. Holds a M.Sc in Information Systems Engineering from Ben-Gurion University and now doing her Ph.D. studies, researching NLP aspects in temporal graphs. Moran has five years of experience in data science, deep learning, data modeling, algorithms, and pipeline design.


Moran is a Data Science Team Leader at Diagnostic Robotics, building ML solutions for the medical domain and NLP algorithms to extract clinical entities from medical visit summaries. Holds a M.Sc in Information Systems Engineering from Ben-Gurion University and now doing her Ph.D. studies, researching NLP aspects in temporal graphs. Moran has five years of experience in data science, deep learning, data modeling, algorithms, and pipeline design.


Patient embedding representation is a crucial task for the healthcare domain to predict patients’ future diseases, future inpatients visits, or medical status deterioration. This representation can be done using EHR data containing diagnoses, procedures, and medication codes. This lecture will present our patient representation models, from static code representation using word2vec to contextual embedding using transformers. We adapted the BERT framework originally developed for the text-domain to the structured EHR domain. Our pretrained EHR language model is a contextualized embedding model trained on patients sequences on masked language model task. Then we fine-tune the model for the downstream prediction task. Our results show that this patient embedding technique substantially improves the prediction accuracy of our models.


Patient embedding representation is a crucial task for the healthcare domain to predict patients’ future diseases, future inpatients visits, or medical status deterioration. This representation can be done using EHR data containing diagnoses, procedures, and medication codes. This lecture will present our patient representation models, from static code representation using word2vec to contextual embedding using transformers. We adapted the BERT framework originally developed for the text-domain to the structured EHR domain. Our pretrained EHR language model is a contextualized embedding model trained on patients sequences on masked language model task. Then we fine-tune the model for the downstream prediction task. Our results show that this patient embedding technique substantially improves the prediction accuracy of our models.

Planned Agenda

8:45 Reception
9:30 Opening words by WiDS TLV ambassadors Or Basson and Noah Eyal Altman
9:40 Dr. Kira Radinski - Learning to predict the future of healthcare
10:10 Prof. Yonina Eldar - Model-Based Deep Learning: Applications to Imaging and Communications
10:40 Break
10:50 Lightning talks
12:20 Lunch & Poster session
13:20 Roundtable session & Poster session
14:05 Roundtable closure
14:20 Break
14:30 Dr. Anna Levant - 3D Metrology: Seeing the Unseen
15:00 Aviv Ben-Arie - Counterfactual Explanations: The Future of Explainable AI?
15:30 Closing remarks
15:40 End